Northern Beaches

Hash House Harriers

July 2024 Run

If you haven't set a run for awhile, please step up.

July 7th at North Head, Manly

NBH3 – RUN # 278

HARE: Music Man

WHERE:  North Head Manly 

Turn left Before the Archway into Bluefish Drive then park in Barracks Precinct Carpark

$15 for bucket and post run food

Bring Chairs, Plates, Glasses and Eating Irons

Sunday July 7th at 3 pm

Latest Run Report - June 2024

Northern Beaches Coal Loader Run Report


RUN # 275 -- KILLARA,  KOOLA PARK,  3 pm  SUNDAY 02 JUNE, 2024

You get sick of waking every day to the prospect of rain, wind and cold. Sunday was no different. Pull up the covers and resolve to stay in bed. But if you're a Hasher you are supposed to laugh at all of that and turn up at the run. Well, 11 of us did, Copra had set a 5.5 K run/walk around the familiar streets and bush of the East Killara area.

Along Koola, down Kimberley and onto a bush trail which we followed for 30 mins and came up at Whitney then Saiala and back to Koola for the trek home.

1 hour flat and back at the bucket. Cold beer all round and "what about a glass of red? What, no red?  " I can't think of everything" Copra said. Nobody thought to look in the cooler, where rested a bottle of red. All was back on track. Copra opened the circle and handed it to Bondi who rated the run at somewhere between 3 and 9.5. Crumb was more decided and gave it 3.5.

No problem, 11 people enjoyed a Sunday afternoon, ate chicken legs and fried rice and felt the better for having climbed out of the covers and had some exercise.

On on to run #276 on 07 July.